Maverick Acupuncture Clinic & Salon
Supports Your Wellness
Golden Week is over, but summer festivals are starting all over Tokyo, starting with the festivals at Teppozu shrines@Tsukiji. Be careful of heat stroke! Please note that Maverick Acupuncture Clinic only accepts referrals from existing clients in relation to new clients.
A Holistic Healing Professional
2001年、東京に2週間滞在予定で帰国し思わぬ交通事故に遭い、3ヶ月入院する はめになりました。足首、膝、肩の3カ所を骨折して一時は二度と走れない、二度と 車を運転出来なくなるだろう、と言われながらアメリカに戻って鍼灸治療とリハ ビリを続け、今ではほとんど健常人と変わらない生活が出来るようになりました。 また、子宮外妊娠で緊急入院&手術も経験したことから、生殖医療にも興味を持ち、 長かった会社員生活と別れを告げ、鍼灸師になる決意をしました。ロサンジェルスに 21年間住んでいた私にとって、アメリカは医療が他所に突出して発達した国。 最先端医療技術にも色々お世話になりましたが、強く感じたことは、私達生き物の “病い”には、最先端医療を持ってしても全てをカバー仕切れない、白黒つけられ ない“グレーゾーン”が確かに存在し、実はそこが治癒の肝であったりする事も多い、 ということでした。また、アメリカでは率先して鍼灸師と連携して患者を治癒に導く 医師も多く、近い将来日本においても、古来固有の進化を遂げた日本の東方医学が、 日々進化する先進医療と連携して多くの患者様の治癒の手助けとなると信じ、 日々研鑽を積んでいます。
厚生労働大臣免許 はり師・きゅう師
Santa Monica College卒業
After 21 years of great life journey in Los Angeles, CA, Yoko Onishi returned to her hometown, Tokyo to spend a quality time with her parents. Yoko had no idea what acupuncture was until she met an old Japanese master of acupuncture in LA. And then she learned that there were a variety of methods of medicines available other than modern Western medicine, and doctors and veterinarians in the US work with alternative medical practitioners actively as they are proven to be effective. She decided to quit her former occupation, location coordinator for a Japanese filming company in LA, and went back to school to become an acupuncturist. With her perky and down-to-earth personality, she listens to her clients carefully, and discuss thoroughly to find out the root of the problem, to diminish and prevent further and more serious situation. Because of her own experience of severe insomnia since her childhood and serious injuries by a traffic accident, Yoko specializes mind relaxation, post-injury therapy, as well as infertility. She enjoys cooking, and gardening.
A national Licensed practitioner in Acupuncture and Moxibustion
A member of Japanese Eastern Medical Society
A member of Japan Acupuncture, Moxibustion, and Shiatsu Therapist Association
A member of Japan Traditional Acupuncture and Moxibustion Society
A certified Infertility Counselor of Japan Society for Infertility Counseling
A member of Menopause and Anti-Aging Healthcare Society Japan
A certified Aromatherapy Advisor of Aroma Environment Society of Japan
Completed Integrative Health & Lifestyle Program Course for Complementary Medical Practitioners at the University of Arizona, Andrew Weil Integrative Medicine
Graduated Ryotokuji Medical College of Traditional Japanese Medicine
Graduated Santa Monica College AA Premedical Science
Former acupuncturist at Geishundo TCM Clinic
Former acupuncturist at ACURA Acupuncture Clinic
Maverick Acupuncture Clinic and Salon is a registered acupuncture clinic at Health and Welfare Department, Shinjuku ward, Tokyo, and its practice is fully covered by medical malpractice and accident liability insurance.