新型コロナウィルス性肺炎COVID19の得体知れない恐怖が蔓延していますが、 今のところ、何か特別なことは出来そうにありません。 私は、妊活や安産治療のために鍼灸治療に来てくださるクライアント様たちにいつもお伝えするのは、...
Maverick Acupuncture Clinic & Salon
Supports Your Wellness
When can we expect this hot and humid summer over? Well, it should be over by now, but in case you feel destructive and anxious with unknown cause, it may be because of your ANS, or autonomic nervous system, which plays very important role for your mood, sleep, and even sweat! Acupuncture and relaxing belly and back massage with hot stone can help!
Now, serving ISUMI and ICHINOMIYA, Chiba Pacific Coast Line area for English speaking Community! Contact us yoko@maverickacupuncture.com for details!